
Drug and Alcohol Recovery: Sēfari offerings are not intended to be a detoxification program or a recovery support group. Nor is it intended to be a substitute or an alternative to such programs. If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, we urge you to seek a program designed to help you achieve sobriety. We require that you have at least 90 days sobriety before participating in any Sēfari offerings.

Trauma: The Sēfari re:birth immersion is not a trauma recovery program. If you experienced severe, repetitive trauma in your childhood or believe you may be experiencing symptoms from the effects of trauma, we urge you to consult with a qualified trauma specialist be participating in the re:birth process.

Psychotherapy: The Sēfari re:birth immersion is not intended to be psychotherapy, nor is it intended to be a substitute or an alternative to such therapy. If you have a problem that requires psychological treatment, we urge you to consult a psychotherapist. If you are in therapy, we require you to discuss with your therapist your decision to participate in our program.